About us


Who We Are

YYC Pizza Fest is an annual event organized and hosted by Calgary Meals on Wheels. First started in 2014, this event is meant to highlight local businesses and Calgary’s vibrant pizza culture, while also helping support a local charity.

Restaurants and pizzerias from all over Calgary join together for a friendly competition to see who can win our four new award categories: top rated pizza, most popular pizza, most innovative pizza, and fan favourite crust.

our History

In 2014, Wanda Baker, founder of YYC Pizza Week, established a 10-day, annual event with charity, community and pizza crusts in mind. Each year, local participating restaurants craft an original recipe in a competition to be lauded Calgary's best pizza. From every purchase, a slice of the proceeds goes to Calgary Meals on Wheels, thereby directly supporting the needs of Calgarians by making sure they are well-fed.

In 2018, Wanda Baker generously passed the ownership of YYC Pizza Week to Calgary Meals on Wheels to further support our efforts of eliminating food insecurity in Calgary.

As YYC Pizza Week continued to grow, the event evolved in 2022 into YYC Pizza Fest with an extended event duration and revitalized competition categories.

Our charity

Regardless of age, ability, or life-circumstances, we all have something to offer the world. It may be as simple as a smile, or it may be a testament to the courage everyday living requires — whatever shape our gifts take, they exist within all of us to share. At Calgary Meals on Wheels, we give the comfort of healthy, nutritious meals to anyone who needs it, so they can continue giving themselves to the world. What we aim to offer our clients is far more than full stomachs, we want to offer them the chance to be the heroes of their own stories.
